Search & Find

Do you need to display your images as a carousel? Easily done with our new Joomla extension.

The Hot Joomla Carousel is a simple Joomla module that will help you to show your photos in a carousel style. You can see how it works on this demo site. Usage is very simple. You need to enter the path to your images and your carousel is ready.

Places You Must See



Consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a libero orci, vitae fringilla neque. Nullam nec feugiat ante.

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Copacabana, Rio

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a libero orci, vitae fringilla neque. Nullam nec feugiat ante.

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Hot Maps

Include Google maps into your Joomla pages with this module. Enter location (or address), module width/hieght and you're done in less than a minute!

joomla travel template