2130 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95126, USA 800-1234-567

You probably noticed on many modern websites (especially on portfolio and corporate websites) several numbers that gives some facts about the company to the visitors. These numbers usually represent number of projects accomplished, number of clients, partners, store locations, etc.

Using this module, you can add such block on your website easily. All you need to do is to enter numbers and what the numbers represent in form of text and/or image in the module parameters.

This module is powered by jQuery, so it doesn't just show the numbers, but also count up to the final value. It's possible to tweak the speed of the animation for each number. Furthermore, it will not start counting until user see the numbers. It's useful if you are using this module on the bottom of the page. This ensures that animation will start at the time when visitor sees the counters, and not immediately after page loading is done.


We improved the Hot Counters module. Beside regular numeric counters, now it can produce circular counters. They are useful if you need to represent percentages.

Established Businesses
Successful Companies
International Companies

2130 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95126, USA 800-1234-567