Hot Host

This is a new redesigned version of our hosting Joomla! template. Following the trends in modern web hosting industry, design of this template is inspired by clouds and cloud computing. The Hot Host template is suitable for any web hosting provider website.

Backend of the template is powered by the framework well-known in Joomla world: Sparky Framework. So, you can use drag and drop technology to add and edit template elements (module positions, menus, etc.). It's also used to control template style. In example, you can change default font or heading font in seconds. Full selection of over 700+ Google fonts are just few clicks away. Thanks to the framework, you can control all Joomla! menus. You can decide for each of them which system to use (classic, drop-down, off-canvas...) and also control style of the menus (fonts, colors...). There are also menu add-on features available in the framework. You can easily enable or disable support for popular frameworks (Bootstrap, jQuery UI) or vector icons (Font Awesome). Support for all those small things that you need from time to time (such as analytics, scroll to top button, animations, parallax scrolls, etc.) is just a click away. All responsive Joomla! extensions that you can see on this demo are included with template. We included several responsive Joomla modules with this template:

  • Hot Swipe Carousel (retina ready) module
  • Hot Slicebox module
  • Hot Responsive Lightbox module and plugin
  • Hot Maps module and plugin

All these modules are included with this template without any additional fees (you'll save $15 per commercial module). Beside our modules, we included third-party's extensions.

  • Responsive template, based on clean HTML5/CSS3 code.
  • CSS3 based animations welcomes visitors of your site.
  • Customisation of the template's layout and adding/removing module positions is easy. It's powered by Sparky's drag and drop Layout Editor. Change layout and element's dimensions easily whenever you need.
  • Retina ready images in articles, custom modules and carousel. Full support for modern screens with double pixel density.
  • HotStart (SQL dump) available with both single purchase or any membership plan. It copies template with all extensions and demo pages easily.
  • Unlimited number of module positions can be added easily within Layout Editor of Sparky Framework, if needed.
  • PSD source file and fonts are included.
  • Total control of all menus through the framework. You can set functionalities and style of all your menus and drop them directly into the layout. This template uses Drop-down menu which allows multiple levels of menu items to be included in the side pane.
  • This template has been tested with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE10+, Opera and Safari browsers on PC and Mac computers. It's also tested on iOS and Android mobile devices.
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages.

All necessary pages that you need to start your site are included: Landing page, Meet the Team, Pricing, Gallery, FAQ, Coming Soon, 404 Page, Blog and Contact page.

Guest Review


Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

Magda Williams - Australia

Latest News

  • Color Schemes

    Unlimited color options! Select colors and make your template unique! This is useful if you want to...

  • Multiple Menu Types

    This template has a fast-loading jQuery based top menu with nested sub-menus. Sub-menu opens on...


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