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8:30am & 11:00am
seo friendly

You don't need a nice website if Google can't index it and position it higher in search results.

All Hot Joomla Templates are well optimized for search engines. The template code is valid and passes W3C Markup Validation.

Unlike older versions, newer Joomla versions are well optimized for SEO out of the box. Joomla now use H1 and H2 tags for headings, allow you to enter descriptions for each page, make SEF links better and has many other advantages for semantic HTML code and better SEO. Joomla and our templates are the best combination for your better ranking!

Quote for today

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8

Next Services

Sunday, 8:30am & 11:00am

Wednesday, 5:00pm & 8:00pm

Friday, 8:30am & 11:00am

Sunday, 8:30am & 11:00am


Latest News

Next Service starts tomorrow from 8:30am until 11:00am.

Crowd possible, please don't be late!

About Our Church

Nulla facilisi. Ut convallis, libero id congue egestas, nisl elit vulputate lorem, vel hendrerit lectus diam ut justo. Ut congue vulputate iaculis. Mauris convallis interdum nunc eu commodo. Sed tellus lectus, molestie sit amet tristique vitae, tempor eget tellus. Quisque augue nisl, dictum vel commodo a, placerat ac purus. Duis non tortor ac erat condimentum sodales.

holy bible