Phoca Cart

Phoca Cart is one of the leading online shop solutions for Joomla!.

Hot Furniture Store is the first template from Hot Joomla Templates with full Phoca Cart support. We designed a new Phoca Cart template that you would use together with this Joomla template. Actually, you could install Phoca Cart with any other template, but with full Phoca Cart support, you would get a unique style for your website.

Furniture Store

With it's a fully-featured eCommerce Engine, Phoca Cart is perfect to sell your goods online and drive your business to new heights. Despite being Open Source Software it powers large online shops providing the performance, usability and security you expect from professional Software.

Phoca Cart is the leading online-shop solution for Joomla!

Hot Furniture Store is the first template by Hot Themes with full Phoca Cart support. We designed a new Phoca Cart template that you would use for your web store. Actually, you could install Phoca Cart with any other Joomla template, but with full Phoca Cart support, you would get an unique style throughout your website.

Phoca Cart