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Top Panel

This panel contains four module positions: top1, top2, top3 and top4. If none of these have published modules, the panel will be hidden.

You have control over the panel settings. You can change panel's height (currently 250px), width (100%), background color and panel's button text (open/close).

Mega Menu

This menu system allows you to:

  • Show first, second and third menu levels at once.
    • The first level is shown on template permanently, like tabs or buttons.
    • The second level menu items are shown on the drop-down pane as headings (linkable) for the series of the third level menu items
  • Show Joomla modules in drop-down panes. There are 10 module positions reserved for the mega menu: megamenu1, megamenu2... megamenu10. To activate them, you should:
    • Create URL type menu item on Level 2 (it will serve as module heading) and enter a blank link, in example "javascript:;"
    • Create Separator type menu item on Level 3 (select the URL item described above as its parent).
    • The Separator menu item will be replaced with module position megamenu1.
    • The next Separator menu item will be replaced with module position megamenu2, and so on...

mega menu levels

The upper part of this graphic (34-39) shows typical scheme if you want to show 2nd and 3rd level menu items in drop-down menu. You must not have level 4 (or deeper) menu items.

The bottom part of the graphic (40-43) shows how to include module positions in the mega menu. "Module in Menu" and "Polls" are both children of first-level menu item "Mega Menu". Their names are used to be module names. Each of them has one child menu item (type Separator) named as "Megamenu module" in our sample. They will be replaced with module positions megamenu1 and megamenu2.

mega menu example

Classic Drop-down menu

This template has a fast-loading jQuery based top menu with nested sub-menus. Sub-menu opens with a nice animation effect.

In template parameters, under Classic Drop-down menu, you can select one of the available menu effects:

  • Fade
  • Scroll down
  • Drop-in
  • No effect (if you are bored of effects :)

Also, there might be other settings, like menu colors. It depends of template you're using. There's no limit in number of sub-levels.

classic drop down menu

CSS3 Powered

This template uses modern CSS3 techniques, such as rounded borders and gradient colors, with IE compatibility maintained. ALL colors (including gradients) are customizable in parameters.

Hot Mega Menu

automobile logoThis menu system makes popular "Mega Menu" from your ordinary Joomla menu. You can show three level of menu items at once. This saves space and helps you to organize navigation better. Also, you can put modules in the drop-down panes of the Hot Mega Menu.

Reflection Effect

Reflection script is incorporated in template. If you want an image to have it, use class "reflect" for your images. You can also control reflection's height and opacity.


Follow our instructions to make a copy of this demo site to your server.

HotStart! is available with each template. It allows you to create a copy of this demo.


This template uses modern CSS3 functions supported by modern browsers on both desktop and mobile devices.

Tested in Edge, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari.

car interior

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