An endless carousel that scrolls slides from right to left. You can have up to 20 slides (it easy to modify the module to extend it's capacity though) and each slide is presented as a "slot" in the module parameters.

Each slot can contain any HTML content that you enter using WYSIWYG editor (such as JCE or TinyMCE) or using a plain text editor (if you are familiar with HTML). Therefore, each slot can contain literally anything you can think of. You can put text, images, YouTube movies or anything else inside the slides. You can even make a combination, in an example, the first slot with text, the second with image, the third with a movie and the fourth with text and images. Content of the Hot Film Tape is completely up to you.

You can have up to 20 slides (it easy to modify the module to extend it's capacity though) and each slide is presented as a "slot" in the module parameters. Each slot can contain any HTML content that you enter using WYSIWYG editor (such as JCE or TinyMCE) or using a plain text editor (if you are familiar with HTML). Therefore, each slot can contain literally anything you can think of. You can put text, images, YouTube movies or anything else inside the slides. You can even make a combination, in an example, the first slot with text, the second with image, the third with a movie and the fourth with text and images. Content of the Hot Film Tape is completely up to you.

All template buyers will get the Hot Film Tape module FREE (value $15).

Hot Film Tape

Care for your pet's health

24/7 Emergency Help Service

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